Thursday, September 2, 2010

Embracing The Season Of Your Life: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

My Bible Study lesson this week could not have been more appropriate or timely.  I took away two very important lessons, and the one I would like to discuss in this post revolves around the idea that you (and I) and exactly where we should be at this point in time.  Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 teaches us there is a season for everything and a time for every activity under the sun.  We should embrace the current season of our life regardless of which season we are in, because whether we see it or not, God is at work in us.  Our study this week drew an interesting parallel between the importance of each season from an agrarian perspective and the importance of each season in each of our lives.  Even when we are in 'winter' and cannot visibly see any growth or change, that seemingly dormant period is absolutely necessary for new growth in the 'spring'.  God worked the beauty and importance of each season into his wondrous creation.  After 'the flood', in Genesis 8:22, God promises that "As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, and day and night will not cease."  That verse speaks to me  not only from an agrarian perspective, but also for the various seasons in our life.

As a full-time, stay-at-home mom living in a season of chaos, constant change, and parenting little children, I often wonder what else I should be doing with my time.  Even with two extremely busy, preschool age boys, I tend to burden myself with the idea there is some other work that demands my time.  I am not sure if this thought is driven by society, the idea that my resume will have a so-called gap, or simply a drawn comparison to other women that appear to be balancing career and family.  Truth be told, before having children there was an innate, God-given desire to be a mother and caretaker.  Why does society diminish the importance and make women feel guilty about that innermost, fundamental desire?  My experience as a mother will add exponentially to any formal education or professional experience, as will the experience of all mothers.  The role of a mother and the season of parenting is extremely important.  Anyone who has spent time around infants, toddlers, or preschoolers can tell you how quickly children grow and develop during these years.  The bonding and attachment period they go through during the first two years of life often has lasting or permanent consequences.  This season of life is important not only for the parent, but also for this child.  Maybe if we were to look at parenting through the eyes of the child and not our own, warped vision, our perspective would drastically change.  Our children need us to love them, guide them, nurture them, and help them develop fully.  Parenting is a job, a season of life, and so much more.

By embracing the season of your life, you will be more at peace that you are exactly where God wants you to be.  All seasons are necessary, and even when we cannot see immediate changes, God is at work.  He always is!

Proverbs 31:28 says, "Her sons rise up and call her blessed.  Her husband also praises her.

Note: Our group's current study is 'Scouting the Divine', by Margaret Feinberg.

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